Airplane videos with Passion

What we can do for you

We started creating airplane videos and photos years ago drived by our love for photography and aviation.

Now we can create high quality 4K custom airplane videos based on your needs or you can buy parts of already available airplane video footage. Our archive is bigger than the videos on YouTube so, for any request, contact us at

airplane videos

The Flight Video & Photo YouTube project history

Since the 1990’s, we have toured the airshows – first only in Italy, then also abroad. For example, Astana (Kazakhstan) for the Kadex, or Moscow for MAKS or Zeltweg for AirPower. To shoot airplane video we also attend to military exercises (like Iniochos in Andravida, Greece) or open days (like the Tiger Meet) and other aviation related events reserved for the press.

The Flight Video & Photo YouTube channel was born on March 2012 when we published the photos of the last performance of the Alpi Eagles – the Italian civil aerobatic team (to read their story, I recommend this page, which I helped to write) – which took place in Thiene on October 14th, 1990. We thought that digitalizing them and posting the video online after 22 years would have been interesting for many enthusiasts. We were amazed by the dozens, maybe hundreds, of views that the video received in a short time. So, we decided to continue and we created more airplane videos from old photos until we get a comment like:
This is the fuc***g YouTube, not slidetube.

It was time to improve and create real-time airplane videos. We started to invest in state of the art video technologies and our training. Now Flight Video & Photo YouTube channel has 12.000 subscribers an more than 6.4 millions of visualizations. Thanks to YouTube we created a network of cooperations (some are listed in the references page) and we start to receive requests to use our airplane videos. Due to the interest of the market in high quality airplane video we decided to invest and upload our content into stock footage agencies.

Producing airplane stock footage

I knew stock footage agencies because I had bought some audio tracks for my YouTube videos so, We started studying the list of agencies where I could sell my content.
We created profiles on the most important ones:

Video and Photo YouTube channel

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